After updating to IE8 on Terminal server you get Enchanced Security.

After you upgrade to IE8 on Terminal server users are getting the enchanced security warning message. Even though enchanced security is turned off, for user and administartors.

The follow step have been found to resovle this issue on Windows Termail server 2003. Please note before working this fix out I had already Enabled Enchanced security, Rebooted server. Then Remove Enchanced Security and rebooted server.

  1. Open IE8
  2. Close Enchanced security warning message.
  3. Go through IE8 Setup options
  4. Click Tools
  5. Internet Options
  6. Advanced Tab
  7. Reset Button
  8. Reset Button
  9. Close Button
  10. Ok Button
  11. Closes IE8
  12. Reopen IE8
  13. Go through IE8 Setup Again.