Having trained 5 Cyberoam certified professionals in our company, and with many years experience selling and... read more
Key Outcomes from the course include: Understand Lean Six Sigma and the DMAIC methodology Learn... read more
In the last couple of days we received a request for a quote and order... read more
... read more
I’m excited that Jeremy Stafford has joined out team. He is proving very capable at... read more
Company Background & Job Purpose King computer solutions has been providing personal, small business, government... read more
We have moved to new larger offices and am currently building disaster recovery hotdesks for... read more
I found this script error last night Ahhh Microsoft Internet Explorer, you’ve done it again.... read more
As part of King computers continual training program Mildred has successfully completed 3 MYOB courses... read more
As part of our continuing education to increase the skill and expertise of our Staff... read more