Exchange 2013 service pack 1 fails ERROR: A reboot from a previous installation is pending

.          Check and confirm that the mail flow is working

·         Execute the command Get-ServerComponentState ServerName and confirm that the status of all Exchange components are Active

·         Execute the command Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component HubTransport –State Draining –Requester Maintenance &

Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component UMCallRouter –State Draining –Requester Maintenance to put the components in Maintenance Mode

·         Execute the command Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component ServerWideOffline –State inactive –Requester Maintenance to change the status of all the components to Inactive state

·         Check and confirm that all components are in Inactive state using the command Get-ServerComponentState ServerName

·         Execute the command setup.exe /prepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms


Note :- In case error is reported that reboots are pending, delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations & change the value of the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile

to 0


·         Run the setup.exe file and monitor the installation. Confirm that the installation got completed

·         Execute the commands in order :

Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component ServerWideOffline –State active –Requester Maintenance

Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component HubTransport –State active –Requester Maintenance

Set-ServerComponentState ServerName –Component UMCallRouter –State active –Requester Maintenance


·         Execute the command Get-ServerComponentState ServerName and confirm that all component status are showing as active

·         Restart Exchange services and confirm the mail flow