Prepare you browser to run auskey then copy the folder from the old computer to the new one using the instructions below.
Install and enable the auskey plugin if using Chrome
For Chrome and Firefox Browser Extension go to Download AUSkey installer using
One you have installed the extension it needs to be enabled. In Chrome go to the Menu More tools > Extensions

Find the AUSkey for Chrome extension and toggle the switch to On to enable the extension

Install java if using Internet explorer
- Open internet explorer and verify if you have the latest java working by going to
- If you do not have java installed install it from
- If it is installed you may be prompted to run this application. Check on the tick box and press Run.

- If it is out of date you will be advised A newer version of Java is available. Download and install it.
Copy auskey from your old computer to the new one
Your auskey is stored under your user folder in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\AUSkey. Below are the instructions to copy it to your new computer
- AppData is a hidden folder, so to find it open Windows explorer (explore.exe), go to C:\Users and open your folder.
- In the address bar at the top where it has c:\Users\yourname add \appdata on the end and press enter. You now see the folders in that location.
- Open the Roaming folder, right click on the Auskey folder and Copy
- Paste the folder to a known network drive location or onto a USB stick
- On your new computer in windows explorer go to c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\
- Open the location you saves the folder to, copy and to paste the whole folder under \Roaming
Test the auskey
- Once the extension is installed and your auskey copied, go to
- Choose login with auskey
- Confirming the users credentials appear in the dropdown list
- If you run into problems using the IE/java version see this post
- If you still have problems call us for assistance on 1300 54 64 74 or email