This script
- shuts down the vmware virtual machines called SBS and TS
- Stops Windows services
- copies them from C:\virtualmachines to D:\virtualmachines
- restarts the services
- restarts the vmware machines
@rem ———- Stop the Terminal Server ———-
call “vmrun.exe” -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -u administrator -p AdminPassword stop
“[VMs] TS/TS.vmx” soft
@rem ———- Stop the SBS Server ———-
call “vmrun.exe” -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -u administrator -p AdminPassword stop
“[VMs] SBS/SBS.vmx” soft
NET STOP “VMware Host Agent”
NET STOP “VMware Authorization Service”
NET STOP “VMware DHCP Service”
NET STOP “VMware NAT Service”
NET STOP “VMware Server Web Access”
XCOPY “C:\VirtualMachines\*.*” “D:\VirtualMachines” /y /e /s
NET START “VMware Host Agent”
NET START “VMware Authorization Service”
NET START “VMware DHCP Service”
NET START “VMware NAT Service”
NET START “VMware Server Web Access”
@rem VMware Command Line Local Admin / Password Event “[Datastore] VMX-File Path”
@rem ———- Start the Terminal Server ———-
call “vmrun.exe” -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -u administrator -p AdminPassword start
“[VMs] TS/TS.vmx”
@rem ———- Start the SBS Server ———-
call “vmrun.exe” -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -u administrator -p AdminPassword start
“[VMs] SBS/SBS.vmx”