Dragon naturally speaking COMM add in not working in Microsoft Word 2007

If you are having this issue it is likely the dgrnwork.dll add-in has become disabled.

To enable it do the following:

In the word menu

go to Word options

Under the add-in menus on the left look for the NatSpeak Word add-in

Initially when I did this it was under the disabled application add-ins

Next to Manage COM add-ins at the bottom press Go…

Check on NatSpeak Word COM Add-ins

Press OK, close and reopen word and test dictation. If it is still not working go back in and check under add-ins that it is showing as an active application.

If it is still showing as disabled, manage, add-ins, Highligh NatSpeak Word AddIn and press Remove

Then press Add.

Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking10\Program\dgnword.dll

Add and enable it. Close and reopen word and test again.