Flight simulator 2020 automatically detects and loads a profile for the Logitech/Saitek Pro flight sim yoke and pedals. You can see the setup I built for a client here https://youtu.be/KI_17OEOrD0
However if using a CH products flight sim yoke you have to configure the profile for all the inputs manually.

Here are the steps to setup the CH Products Yoke in Flight simulator 2020:
- Go to options
- Controls
- CH Flight Sim Yoke
- Filter
- All
- Flight control Surfaces
- Primary control Surfaces
- Ailerons Axis
- Scan input and turn the yoke to detect, or select Input Joystick L-Axis – X
- Validate

- Search and set Elevator axis = Joystick L-Axis-Y
- Throttle 1 Axis (0 to 100%) = Joystick R-Axis-Z
- For Throttle check on REVERSE AXIS and confirm the throttle moving from bottom to top moves the slider from left to right
- For multi engine planes set Throttle 2, 3 and 4 axis to Joystick R-Axis Z also. This balances the throttle for all engines. You will get a warning when setting them This is already used somewhere else. Do you want to bind it anyway? Press Validate to save teh setting.
- Propeller Axis = Joystick L-Axis Y. Check on REVERSE AXIS
- Mixture 1 Axis (0 to 100%) = Joystick R-Axis X. Check on REVERSE AXIS
Here is the button Number mapping I use, as I like to be able to easily move between internal and external views and to focus and move easily between the instruments:
Button Number mapping…
1 left trigger button = Cockpit/external view mode toggle
2 right trigger button = Toggle Cockpit Focus mode
3 left horizontal bar left = Previous Instruments view or use for Ailerons
4 left horizontal bar right = Next Instruments view or use for Ailerons
5 left panel switch up = Toggle landing gear
6 left panel switch down = Toggle park brake
7 right panel switch up = Decrease flaps (flaps up)
8 right panel switch down = Increase flaps (flaps down)
9 left upper button = Map
10 left lower button = Display navlog
11 left horizontal bar = Elevator trim down (nose down)
12 left horizontal bar = Elevator trim up (nose up)
POV left = Cockpit look left
POV right = Cockpit look right
POV Down = Cockpit look up
POV Up = Cockpit look down
External view
POV left = External view look left
POV right = External view look right
POV Down = External view up
POV Up = External view down
Press Apply and Save to save the settings
All the best with your flying!